20+ V-Stitch Crochet Designs to Inspire Your Crafting!

I love the crochet v-stitch, which we’ve explored before, and I always get inspired to make something new when I see what people are doing with this crochet stitch. Today I’ve got a roundup of inspirational v-stitch crochet photos for you. If you see an @name, you can find that person on Instagram.

Looking for crochet patterns? Here are 15 free v-stitch crochet patterns.

louloudeane crochet v-stitch

Beautiful Valentine-colored, candy-hued, v-stitch crochet from @louloudeane

hooked__on__hooky crochet rainbow v-stitch colorful blanket

Brightly colored v-stitch crochet rows from @hooked__on__hooky

elzavan912 v-stitch crochet blanket

Autumn v-stitch crochet from @elzavan912

thepolkadotgiraffe crochet vstitch

@thepolkadotgiraffe made smart color choices on this v-stitch crochet blanket

green crochet vstitch blanket

This is my green v-stitch crochet blanket, which is a chunky blanket worked with 3 strands held together. It’s a combination of Universal Classic Worsted Yarn and Pacific Cascade variegated yarn, all in different shades of green. I’d originally intended an ombre but then I started playing more with combining the different variegated colors together. This was such a fun project! See the opposite end:

green crochet blanket vstitch

littlebirdbunting crochet vstitch blanket

Terrific edging finishes off this crochet v-stitch blanket by @littlebirdbunting

vanessakind crochet vstitch stripes

Alternating just three colors makes a powerful visual impact on this v-stitch blanket by @vanessakind

queen_babs simplicity vstitch crochet

queen_babs shared this beautiful quote on her v-stitch crochet work

hooked__on__hooky crochet green vstitch scarf

This is a solid colored crochet v-stitch from @hooked__on__hooky

littlebirdbunting crochet vstitch blanket

Here’s a brightly colored version from @littlebirdbunting … you can see the difference when you change colors every row vs. after a few rows when you look at all of these different styles of stitch crochet blankets

peeka_bo_crochet crochet vstitch colorful blanket

@peeka_bo_crochet has great color choices in this blanket!

gooseberryfool crochet vstitchHee’s a two-color v-stitch crochet blanket from @gooseberryfool

_laraa_x vstitch colorful crochet

@_lara_x made this lovely crochet blanket. It looks like every single row is a different color. Wonderful.

holly_pips vstitch crochet

Here’s a v-stitch on the diagonal from @holly_pips

peeka_bo_crochet crochet vstitch

Here’s a chevron crochet v-stitch from @peeka_bo_crochet. I love the colors on this one too! I just love the colors on all of these blankets. Maybe that’s why I find them so inspiring!!

hookystar crochet vstitch blanket

Striped v-stitch crochet blanket from @hookystar. I also love how each of these blankets makes it look like the stitch is so difficult and complex but actually it’s a super easy crochet stitch that a beginner to the craft can do. That makes it a great stitch for making gift items!

crochetandbabushkas crochet vstitch

@crochetandbabushkas brings us this version of the v-stitch. Blues and purples are my favorite colors so this one immediately caught my eye.

holly_pips crochet blue vstitch

Here’s another just in blues, this one is from @holly_pips. In many of these photos, the v’s are turned in different ways, but this photo clearly shows why it is called the “v” stitch!

bechancer crochet vstitch

This one is from @bechancer. Here we have two rows before each color change, rather than the one row we saw in many of the previous examples. The striping effect is completely different when you make this one subtle change!


In this example by @mamma_made_that, we can see how rows of white break up the rows of color in really intriguing ways!

patternpiper crochet v stitch blanket

Here’s a v-stitch crochet blanket from @patternpiper where every other row is white.

luo.teacrochet crochet v stitch

@lou.teacrochet made some genius choices with colors on this one!

gigididthis crochet v stitch

And it looks like @gigididthis let the yarn do the color work on this beautiful piece; playing with self-striping and variegated yarns is really fun on a simple stitch pattern like this one.

9 thoughts on “20+ V-Stitch Crochet Designs to Inspire Your Crafting!”

    • I know it’s been a while since you asked for the pattern, but since no one replied to you yet I figured I would.

      The pattern is a multiple of 3 plus 2.
      So your starting chain can be as long as you wish, as long as you stick to a multiple of 3 count and add 2 chains to that.
      First row:
      Chain 3, double crochet in the 5th chain from the hook, chain 1, double crochet in the same stitch (first v done), skip a chain.
      Double crochet, chain 1, double crochet in the same chain, skip a chain.
      Continue throughout the row, double crochet in the last stitch.
      Second and all further rows you just continue the established pattern.
      Chain 3 for your first double crochet, then place a v stitch on top of the v stitch from the previous row, double crochet in the last stitch.

      Change colors as you see fit.

      Best wishes from Germany

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