10 Absolutely Beautiful Examples of Colorwork in Crochet

I have a Pinterest board where I curate all of my favorite examples of very colorful crochet work. I’m always so impressed when people can do great work with multiple colors since there is a lot of detail that goes into the work itself along with a unique eye that puts those color combinations together in the right way. Here are ten examples of things I’ve pinned to my Colorful Crochet Pinterest Board (not to be mistaken with my Rainbow Colored Crochet board which is specifically for those colorful items that use all of the colors of the rainbow).

colorful crochet pillow

Colorful Crochet Pillow

crochet harlequin blanket

Colorful Crochet Blanket by Wood & Wool Stool

crochet qr code

Colorful square motif based crochet QR code by artist Babukatorium

crochet granny square curtain

Colorful granny square curtain made by Karin of the blog Karin aan de haak

crochet dress

Multicolored Crochet dress from Shakuhachi. Beautiful!

colorful crochet blanket

Colorful crochet blanket by Dawn Davis

crochet t-shirt yarn rugs

Colorful crochet t-shirt yarn rugs via Good Ideas for You

crochet star pillows

Crochet Star Pillows vis Just Do

attic24 crochet

Lucy of Attic24 always shares beautiful colorful crochet

samantha claire wilson crochet

Samantha Claire Wilson’s colorful crochet art

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