Mom Knits, Dad Crochets and They’ve Been Married 70 Years

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There are a lot of people who knit that look down their noses a little bit at people who crochet. And there are people who crochet who don’t ever want to learn how to knit. But these two groups of yarn lovers can definitely get along. In fact, there is one knitting / crocheting couple that has managed to stay married for seventy years!

Pat is an eighty nine year old woman who loves to knit. She knits dolls of varying sizes as well as animals like bears and hedgehogs. Dennis is a ninety year old man who loves to crochet and particularly enjoys crocheting blankets. They each take their respective yarn crafts with them almost anywhere they go.

The couple married in 1941 so they just recently celebrated seventy years of marriage. They have two daughters, four grandchildren and five great grandchildren. They lie together in a residential care home that they moved into in the past year. The home is happy to allow them to enjoy their knitting and crocheting. :)

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Do you know any happy couples where one knits and the other crochets?


San Francisco based and crochet-obsessed writer, dreamer and creative spirit!

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