Crochet Coat Hanger Covers to Beautify Your Closet!

Crocheting a cover for your hangers might sound a little old school, but it’s well worth it and can be a great stash-busting project!

Adding a cover to your hangers can help you stay organized, keep a better grip on your clothes, and provide a beautiful aesthetic for your closet.

Hanger covers help to create beautiful wedding photos and can also make for a lovely and thoughtful housewarming gift.

Here are 13 crochet patterns for making a variety of coat hanger covers – from beautiful lace to fun motif-covered hangers, we have something for everyone!

Crochet Coat Hanger Covers

Make your closet look organized and put together with this simple tip - hanger covers! Get inspiration from these 13 coat hanger cover crochet patterns.

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