Crochet Bunting Inspiration for Your Outdoor Celebrations

As the weather gets warmer there are going to be more and more parties outdoors. Decorate your outdoor space (and an indoor party for that matter) with beautiful themed crochet bunting. Here are some photos of some of my favorite crochet garlands to inspire you in your party planning!

doily bunting

Just Married Doily Wedding Bunting

doily bunting

See Vanessa Craft has a tutorial for making this bunting with crochet flowers and paper doilies

crochet bunting

Crochet Name Bunting by Little Woolie – a great idea to celebrate the star of any party

crochet bunting pattern

Free crochet triangle bunting pattern via @creativejmom

crochet triangle bunting

Granny triangle crochet bunting free pattern from Attic24

crochet bunting pattern

Crochet banner DIY tutorial free from Happy Together

crochet bunting

Circle Triangle Bunting free crochet tutorial from homemade@myplace

crochet bunting pattern

Free crochet bunting pattern @Jessie_AtHome

crochet bunting free pattern

Button bunting free crochet pattern from @feltedbutton

doily bunting

Crochet Doilies and Fabric Bunting

crochet bunting free pattern

Summer lace bunting free crochet pattern from @sandracherryhrt

polly_pet crochet bunting 2

Triangle crochet bunting image shared by polly_pet on Instagram

sweet_sharna_makes crochet bunting

Square crochet bunting shared by sweet_sharna on Instagram

mobiusgirl crochet bunting

Circle crochet bunting shared by mobiusgirl on Instagram

xtinerat crochet bunting

Crochet wall bunting by xtinerat on Instagram

carter_and_brown crochet bunting

Colorful crochet bunting by carter_and_brown on Instagram

elianeroest crochet bunting

Triangle crochet bunting by elianeroest on Instagram

woolyana crochet bunting

Crochet flower bunting by woolyana on Instagram

lou.teacrochet crochet bunting

Striped crochet bunting from lou.teacrochet on Instagram

missmotherhook crochet bunny bunting

Crochet bunny bunting from MissMotherHook on Instagram – great not just for Easter but for baby parties too!

atnanasknee crochet rainbow bunting

Rainbow crochet bunting by atnanasknee on Instagram

stelcrochet shamrock bunting

Crochet lucky clover bunting by stelcrochet on Instagram

littlefoxcrochet crochet bunting

Be Happy crochet bunting shared by littlefoxcrochet on Instagram

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