10 Delightful Crochet Hammocks for You To Make at Home

Hammocks are such a fun luxury to lay in, enjoying the comfort and feeling the cares of your day slip away as you swing peacefully.

There are so many sizes, styles, and uses for hammocks, but we wanted to gather some of our very favorite hammocks in a list for you.

Being all things crochet, we gathered an array of options for buying handmade crocheted hammocks or making your very own!

Having mini hammocks around the house for the organization of toys, food, and more, is a creative way to decorate your space, filling it with style and color!

Crochet Hammocks

Lazy summer days are for laying in hammocks and enjoying the sun and a good book.  We've found some of the best crochet hammocks to buy or make, all right here for you! 

Hammocks are such a fun luxury to lay in, feeling the cares of your day slip away as you swing peacefully.  There are so many sizes, styles and uses for hammocks, but we wanted to gather some of our very favorite hammocks in a list for you.  

Being all things crochet, we gathered an array of options for buying handmade crocheted hammocks or making your very own!  Having mini hammocks around the house for organization of toys, food and more, is a creative way to decorate your space! 

4 thoughts on “10 Delightful Crochet Hammocks for You To Make at Home”

  1. Most of these hammocks are not crocheted. All the South American ones are made by an interlinking technique that we Scandinavians call ‘sprang’. That is what makes them elastic enough to be used width-wise rather than lengthwise.
    Actually, crochet is not an ideal technique for hammocks. Too rigid, and too many ‘knot points’, since knots weaken the structure of the thread used.
    But the crochet detailing on some of these is awesome  :)

    • Hm, that’s an interesting thing to learn. It’s definitely true that a few of these are made from combined needlework / fabric techniques with crochet only as the edging or detailing.
      I’d disagree, however, with the point that crochet can’t be used to make hammocks. There are many different yarn weights, stitch patterns and optiosn for texture that make it totally possible to use crochet to make strong, durable and comfortable hammocks.

  2. There are a large number of crochet hook sizes and almost any material can be crocheted from yarn to plastic bags. A bit of crativety and material is all that in needed to make your own hammock via crochet.

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